Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Alec Couros

Once again we were party to an informative and entertaining video conference by one of the Couros brothers.  This particular talk had similar content but gave different insight into the extent and uses of social media and the ever increasing benefits it offers both teachers and students.  Alec ran us through many different sites that were of interest and also about the community and how quickly things actually transpire online.  We were given a few interesting examples that arrived through flickr over the westcast weekend.  During a seminar a call was put out for photographs of different weather and pictures from all over and they were automatically uploaded to flickr.  It was an incredible display how within no time people from all over had not only seen the call, but partcipated in answering.

I was impressed by how closely related both George and Alec's ideas on ICT connected.  They both felt that with proper safeguards there should be no fear in teachers having their students participate in online social networks.  I understand that there is still that fear amongst others in education in exposing students to the internet, but the faster we keep moving the more impractical these fears become.  Just as schools are responsible for teaching math and science, they should also be responsible for teaching students good citizenship both online and offline.  This is the case especially now because we are in that period where some schools are taking this initiative, while others are still holding back.  The quicker we accept that schools have n important role to play in this modelling, the better for everyone.

This was good chat and it once again expressed the immensity of uses of how we as teachers can use the internet.  I look forward to expanding my "friends" as I get deeper into teaching and creating my network.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for this insightful summary. I am happy to see you deciphered my overall message as connecting is very important but with proper safeguards - media literacy is more important now than ever before in our society.

    Thanks for connecting, for reflecting, and for sharing your work with the world. I hope you continue to do so as as future teacher. Please do not hesitate to connect with me if you ever need a nudge in developing your own network.

